Lights, Camera, Action

Social Media Challenge #9 We believe that all people have special gifts that make them innovators, collaborators and changemakers. Every person has a role to play. It all starts with you And me.

Team Croatia u medijima

Social Media Challenge #8: Team Croatia in the news President Milanović Receives Young Roboticists Representing Croatia at World Competition in Singapore,, 06.09.2023. Mladi robotičari iz Rijeke i Istre odlaze na svjetsko prvenstvo robotike u Singapuru, HINA, 06.07.2023. Naši mladi robotičari plasirali se na svjetsko prvenstvo, ali trebaju vašu pomoć, N1info, 06.07.2023. Mladi robotičari iz … Opširnije

Bili smo kod našeg Predsjednika !

Danas smo imali čast razgovarati s Predsjednikom Republike Zoranom Milanovićem o našem angažmanu u robotici, istraživanju obnovljivih izvora energije i promicanju STEAM obrazovanja. Predsjednik je s velikim interesom slušao o našem sudjelovanju na natjecanju FIRST Global Challenge 2023. i podržao naše nastojanje.Uz razgovor, imali smo priliku demonstrirati dizajn i funkcionalnost našeg robota, koji je rezultat … Opširnije

Social Media Challenge #7: Show of Support

Team Croatia Supporters Unite! 🌟 A huge shout-out to our fantastic friends and family who’ve already sent in their incredible videos, showing unwavering support for Team Croatia in the 2023 FIRST Global Challenge! Your spirit ignites our journey! Stay tuned as we weave these heartfelt clips into something extraordinary. Together, we’re an unstoppable force! 🚀


Social Media Challenge #6: Lead the Way Počašćeni smo pozivom na prijem kod Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske! Kao ambasadori STEAM obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj, razgovarat ćemo s našim Predsjednikom o važnosti STEAM obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj i načinima kako ga unaprijediti. Na prijemu ćemo prezentirati naš put do natjecanja, naše planove i naš projekt koji će nas predstavljati … Opširnije

Social Media Challenge #6: Lead the Way

English:🤝 Today we had the honor of visiting mayor of the city of Poreč! 🏛️ The meeting was filled with warmth and courtesy. The mayor warmly welcomed us and carefully listened to our ideas about the future of our community and of our project The Floating city.💡 We discussed education, environmental protection, and support for … Opširnije

Social Media Challenge #5 – Tech for Good

Introducing Team Croatia’s project: Floating City. Facing rising sea levels, we propose hexagonal islands—Power for hydrogen, Agriculture for food, and Central for eco-living. Our Power Islands harness sun, wind, waves for electrolysis, generating clean energy. Immediate action is our focus, kickstarting construction now. Central Island homes use stored power, solar panels, and glass-coating tech for … Opširnije

Social Media Challenge #3 – Kit Capture

Unboxing the Future: Team Croatia Takes on the Kit Capture Challenge at FIRST Global Challenge 2023 Team Croatia is on fire at the FIRST Global Challenge 2023, embracing the Kit Capture Challenge with excitement and ingenuity. As the competition kicks off, the team’s Social Media Challenge #3 unboxes a world of innovation. With anticipation in the air, … Opširnije

Social Media Challenge #4

Full STEAM Ahead We Embraced the Challenge and Rocked RobotIK! We are thrilled to announce that we took on the challenge of supporting STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and emerged victorious by organizing an exceptional event – RobotIK! RobotIK – Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures Our team’s dedication and hard work paid off as … Opširnije